Friday, June 08, 2012

My experiment results

Well . . .  I had decided to go ahead and try to sell some Master-Hooper's on eBay. I put them at the very lowest price I could afford to list them at and after 6 "free" listings - That I had to pay for little assorted items like a background page, any extra pictures, etc. . . .  you know, the things that make your listing attractive - I finally SOLD one!  Just a quick look at the numbers:


The cost for me to sell a Master-Hooper for a Berina 830 on eBay . . .
$26.12 - includes all costs including PayPal costs and that does not include the cost of $2.40 for the six "free" listings.

Etsy cost for the same item including the PayPal costs . . . $13.81 - plus I still have my 4 month listing because I could add several Master-Hoopers on the same Listing for the $0.20 listing fee! 

While I may still purchase something on eBay, my vote is definitely for selling on Etsy!!

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