Friday, June 08, 2012

My experiment results

Well . . .  I had decided to go ahead and try to sell some Master-Hooper's on eBay. I put them at the very lowest price I could afford to list them at and after 6 "free" listings - That I had to pay for little assorted items like a background page, any extra pictures, etc. . . .  you know, the things that make your listing attractive - I finally SOLD one!  Just a quick look at the numbers:


The cost for me to sell a Master-Hooper for a Berina 830 on eBay . . .
$26.12 - includes all costs including PayPal costs and that does not include the cost of $2.40 for the six "free" listings.

Etsy cost for the same item including the PayPal costs . . . $13.81 - plus I still have my 4 month listing because I could add several Master-Hoopers on the same Listing for the $0.20 listing fee! 

While I may still purchase something on eBay, my vote is definitely for selling on Etsy!!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Continuing Saga of Herbie and the Ninja Rabbit

Our Ninja Rabbit went on to "Ninja Heaven" - we don't know what happened, but we found her dead under our porch just right behind the lattice work - so my brave little friend Kathy "manned-up" and grabbed the little cotton ball tail and pulled her out then "Elmer Fudd" disposed of her for us - sorry to say , she looked pregnant , so that was a bit sad - one of those mixed feelings moments for Herbie and I.

I just felt sick when I saw it's lifeless little body. But then I'm one of those people who don't like to step on bugs or swat flies etc.

Herbie likes to chase...Just not sure what to do if he catches! But he is absolutely in love with our neighbor Susan's horse "Kitten" and her goats and sheep. They all come over to the fence so Herbie can touch their noses with his. It really is cute - he is the best dog in the world for me. Compassionate, kind & loving but still likes to have fun chasing 'wabbits'!

I understand that the breed they are raising is a New Zealand Flemish Giant and at maturity they weigh between 15-16 lbs and are about 22' long. 'Ninja' was one of the Black ones and about that size. They have all different colors running "free". 
This is what 'Ninja' looked like - I borrowed this picture from    

The scuttle-butt of the neighborhood is that the 'rabbit farmers' have over 100 rabbits running Free Range . . . grrrr - so my guess is that it won't be long before another one finds it's way to our yard. Heavy Sigh . . .
I now have about a half a dozen perennials or so to replace - if we don't get them grown by the next invasion, I think that will be my last attempt at gardening this year  I can't afford to replace plants all the time.

I noticed a couple of Turkey Buzzards floating around the other day above their fields, and also saw a couple of hawks on the hunt in our area too.

If they don't like the individual pens I wish they would at least fence a large area for them and sell off the ones they don't want. They really are beautiful little creatures.

Well gotta go get something done today!!