Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring is springing!!!...???

It seems hard to believe that just 10 days ago our weather looked like this....

I love the early mornings up here in the Coast Range ~ even in the can tell that the day turned out to be sunny... cold, but sunny... 

~ However, the last few days have been beautiful harbingers of Spring... Daffodils are up couple inches. 

Even have a purple crocus letting us know that her sisters will be here within the next few days and weeks.

Now that Spring is on the way... We have made it through another winter and Mom is doing well. Her hip and back surgery seem to be acting up the last couple of days, but there are a few good storms that will be rolling in off the Pacific in the coming days that could be the culprit. 

We couldn't make it to church this morning and it feels like something is missing... there is... our dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. Hopefully Mom will be feeling better next Sunday and we can make it. 

Mom is spending the day in bed reading today to help her aches and inflammations subside a bit. We had to miss a day trip to Sherwood saturday for our Kimmie and Jeff Heater's wedding reception due to Mom's hip and back hurting her so. I just know it was wonderful... we hopefully will be able to see them soon.

Other news since my last entry... my 'baby' sister Jo made a wonderful 'mexican' food dinner for our Amy's birthday and we all met at Amy's house for a birthday Fiesta. 

Amy is so talented I expect that any day now she will become her own 'brand'. Intelligence, skill, and business savvy will not be wasted with that young woman. Like all the young women in our family, she is truly amazing.

It seems our entire little town has been suffering with colds, flu bugs, etc., and we are all just passing them around. A few brave souls have not let it get them down and are coming up with ideas to stir the population into Spring like activity. 

On the home front... well, I took my Quattro sewing/embroidery machine into the shop in the valley for her annual maintenance and I feel so lost without her. I am trying to be productive, and slowly but surely I am getting my 'sewing/computer/craft supply storage' room organized... Also trying to get Marie's quilts repaired. We hopefully be calling her soon to get them back home to her. I know she thinks I ran away to sunny Mexico
...hmmm not a bad idea... 

I just looked out my window and guess what... I spoke too soon here is what I am seeing... must be the storms they told us were coming... 
I don't remember them saying the "S" word though!!!

I think I'm going to go and make my Mama some lunch and then dive back into my cleaning, repairing, etc. I am also planning to get into my fabric scrap box today and trim up some pieces for Marie's quilt and for blocks, strips, fat quarters, & pieces for crazy quilts. That should keep me out of trouble and hopefully productive, so that when my machine comes home next week I can start putting some of my imaginings into reality again.

I'm even thinking about putting together a little tutorial, but want my sweet soon to be daughter-in-law to help me with that. I also want to put together a class for the youngsters in our town to learn to sew this Summer. I have a few young consultants that will be helping me with that project too ~ I Can't wait - it will be so much fun! 

Have my Sunday School group planning a play for the church. They are in the process of choosing the perfect story. They will be making their own scenery and costumes, so there will be a lot of sharing, learning etc. going on with this project too!

Now.. on to the Blog... I was thinking that I may look for a lighter happier feel for a background... so you may see a little different look when next you visit. 

I have also decided to leave the Etsy sale prices on my Master-Hoopers just where they are... an eternal sale (haha) The prices seem fair and they are the very best prices around, and it seems to be putting it in the price range people can better afford. Maybe more folks can enjoy this fabulous embroidery hooping aid as much as I do.

Please say a little prayer for Mom's comfort and mobility. Stay happy, healthy and humble...

God bless your day! 

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